Drain Pipes and Fittings
The UPVC drain pipes and fittings intended for water drainage from cooling equipment are designed and manufactured by Khuzestan Hose and Pipe Co. to comply with the relevant national standards. As a result of the issues associated with the traditional methods of water drainage from cooling equipment, the new method now separately drains this water off and out through “UPVC drain pipes and fittings”.
Technical and Economic Advantages of UPVC Drain Pipes and Fittings over Existing Products
1- Smoother flow of distilled water compared with the flow through single‑ and five‑ply products
2- Installation of pipelines on accurate slopes; and more importantly, higher flow rates compared with the flow through single‑ and five‑ply products
3- 80% cost reduction compared with the costs associated with single‑ and five‑ply products
4- High strength and malleability

زانو ۹۰ درجه

زانو ۴۵ درجه

سه راه ۹۰ درجه


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سه راه ۴۵ درجه
What Are Drain Fittings?
Drain pipes and fittings in cooling equipment are used to discharge water (moisture) from the environment by distilling the accumulated moisture on cooling fins and letting it through a gutter. The accumulated water is then discharged through the drain pipes and fittings.
UPVC pipes and fittings are today’s option of choice for drainage purposes, thanks to their numerous advantages including very low surface roughness, high resistance to internal pressure, and more importantly, high outlet flow rate due to high ring stiffness and no joint knobs. Accordingly, Khuzestan Hose and Pipe Co. have made an attempt at producing a full range of drain pipes and fittings.